Is is me or when you think of a stay at home mom your first image is June Cleaver? I'm going to admit I love looking at 1940, 1950, 1960's vintage ad's. Ad's that show mom's at home with their kids, in their perfect homes and wearing heels to cook and clean. Do I want to cook in clean in heels, hell no! So why do I love looking at "that image"?
Unfortunately, I have not lived up to this image and so there for I am constantly beating myself up over it. Does anyone else do that? We get so down on ourselves because we can't have picture perfect homes all the time, kids that are well behaved, looking like a moviestar.
Why do we mom's in general feel that we have to be "perfect" and speaking for SAHM feeling like our homes should never be messy, clothes always laundered, meals always prepared, kids entertained since we are home all day.
Do we put this pressure on ourselves, do we feel we can't be honest mom to mom because we don't want to be looked down upon?
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